
What Is The Junction Rule

Introduction and Importance

Kirchhoff'southward excursion laws are 2 equations that address the conservation of energy and accuse in the context of electric circuits.

Learning Objectives

Draw relationship between the Kirchhoff'southward circuit laws and the free energy and accuse in the electrical circuits

Primal Takeaways

Cardinal Points

  • Kirchhoff used Georg Ohm 'south piece of work as a foundation to create Kirchhoff'southward current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff'due south voltage constabulary (KVL) in 1845. These can be derived from Maxwell'south Equations, which came 16-17 years later.
  • It is impossible to clarify some closed-loop circuits by simplifying as a sum and/or series of components. In these cases, Kirchhoff's laws can be used.
  • Kirchhoff's laws are special cases of conservation of energy and charge.

Key Terms

  • resistor: An electric component that transmits current in directly proportion to the voltage across information technology.
  • electromotive force: (EMF)—The voltage generated by a battery or by the magnetic strength according to Faraday'south Police. It is measured in units of volts (not newtons, Northward; EMF is not a force).
  • capacitor: An electronic component consisting of 2 conductor plates separated by empty space (sometimes a dielectric fabric is instead sandwiched between the plates), and capable of storing a certain amount of charge.

Introduction to Kirchhoff's Laws

Kirchhoff'southward excursion laws are two equations first published by Gustav Kirchhoff in 1845. Fundamentally, they address conservation of energy and charge in the context of electrical circuits.

Although Kirchhoff'south Laws can exist derived from the equations of James Clerk Maxwell, Maxwell did not publish his set of differential equations (which class the foundation of classical electrodynamics, optics, and electric circuits) until 1861 and 1862. Kirchhoff, rather, used Georg Ohm'due south work as a foundation for Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL).

Kirchhoff's laws are extremely important to the analysis of closed circuits. Consider, for example, the circuit illustrated in the figure beneath, consisting of five resistors in a combination of in series and parallel arrangements. Simplification of this circuit to a combination of series and parallel connections is impossible. However, using Kirchhoff'due south rules, one can analyze the excursion to determine the parameters of this circuit using the values of the resistors (Rone, Rii, R3, rone and r2). Also of importance in this example is that the values Eastward1 and Etwo represent sources of voltage (east.grand., batteries).


Closed Circuit: To make up one's mind all variables (i.east., current and voltage drops across the unlike resistors) in this excursion, Kirchhoff's rules must be applied.

As a final annotation, Kirchhoff's laws depend on sure conditions. The voltage police is a simplification of Faraday's law of induction, and is based on the supposition that there is no fluctuating magnetic field within the closed loop. Thus, although this law can be applied to circuits containing resistors and capacitors (also as other circuit elements), it can only be used as an approximation to the behavior of the circuit when a irresolute current and therefore magnetic field are involved.

The Junction Rule

Kirchhoff's junction rule states that at any circuit junction, the sum of the currents flowing into and out of that junction are equal.

Learning Objectives

Codify the Kirchhoff's junction rule and describe its limitations

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Kirchhoff's junction rule is an awarding of the principle of conservation of electric charge: current is catamenia of accuse per time, and if current is constant, that which flows into a indicate in a circuit must equal that which flows out of it.
  • The mathematical representation of Kirchhoff'south law is:

    k = 1 n I thousand = 0 \sum_{\text{k}=1}^{\text{due north}} \text{I}_\text{thou}=0

    where Iyard is the current of chiliad, and due north is the total number of wires flowing into and out of a junction in consideration.
  • Kirchhoff'south junction law is limited in its applicability over regions, in which charge density may not be constant. Because charge is conserved, the only way this is possible is if there is a menses of charge across the boundary of the region. This flow would be a current, thus violating the police force.

Key Terms

  • electric accuse: A quantum number that determines the electromagnetic interactions of some subatomic particles; by convention, the electron has an electric charge of -1 and the proton +1, and quarks have partial accuse.
  • current: The time charge per unit of flow of electric charge.

Kirchhoff'due south junction rule, also known as Kirchhoff's current constabulary (KCL), Kirchoff's showtime law, Kirchhoff'south point rule, and Kirchhoff'southward nodal rule, is an application of the principle of conservation of electric charge.

Kirchhoff'due south junction dominion states that at whatsoever junction ( node ) in an electrical circuit, the sum of the currents flowing into that junction is equal to the sum of the currents flowing out of that junction. In other words, given that a current will exist positive or negative depending on whether it is flowing towards or abroad from a junction, the algebraic sum of currents in a network of conductors meeting at a point is equal to zip. A visual representation tin can be seen in.


Kirchhoff'due south Junction Constabulary: Kirchhoff'due south Junction Law illustrated every bit currents flowing into and out of a junction.

Kirchhoff'south Loop and Junction Rules Theory: We justify Kirchhoff'due south Rules from conservation of energy.

Thus, Kirchoff'south junction rule can be stated mathematically as a sum of currents (I):

one thousand = 1 north I one thousand = 0 \sum_{\text{1000}=1}^{\text{northward}} \text{I}_\text{k}=0

where n is the total number of branches conveying electric current towards or away from the node.

This law is founded on the conservation of charge (measured in coulombs), which is the product of current (amperes) and time (seconds).


Kirchhoff's junction law is limited in its applicability. Information technology holds for all cases in which total electrical charge (Q) is constant in the region in consideration. Practically, this is always true so long as the police is applied for a specific point. Over a region, however, charge density may not exist constant. Because charge is conserved, the only manner this is possible is if at that place is a flow of charge beyond the boundary of the region. This menstruation would be a current, thus violating Kirchhoff's junction constabulary.

The Loop Rule

Kirchhoff'southward loop rule states that the sum of the emf values in whatsoever airtight loop is equal to the sum of the potential drops in that loop.

Learning Objectives

Formulate the Kirchhoff's loop rule, noting its assumptions

Central Takeaways

Cardinal Points

  • Kirchhoff'south loop rule is a dominion pertaining to circuits that is based upon the principle of conservation of energy.
  • Mathematically, Kirchoff'south loop rule can exist represented as the sum of voltages (5k) in a excursion, which is equated with zippo:

    k = 1 n V one thousand = 0 \sum_{\text{thou}=1}^\text{north} \text{V}_\text{k}=0

  • Kirchhoff'southward loop rule is a simplification of Faraday's police force of induction and holds under the assumption that there is no fluctuating magnetic field linking the closed loop.

Key Terms

  • electromotive force: (EMF)—The voltage generated by a bombardment or by the magnetic forcefulness co-ordinate to Faraday's Law. It is measured in units of volts, not newtons, and thus, is not really a strength.
  • resistor: An electric component that transmits electric current in straight proportion to the voltage across it.

Kirchhoff's loop dominion (otherwise known every bit Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL), Kirchhoff's mesh rule, Kirchhoff'south second law, or Kirchhoff'southward 2nd rule) is a rule pertaining to circuits, and is based on the principle of conservation of free energy.

Conservation of free energy—the principle that energy is neither created nor destroyed—is a ubiquitous principle across many studies in physics, including circuits. Practical to circuitry, information technology is implicit that the directed sum of the electrical potential differences (voltages) around whatever airtight network is equal to zero. In other words, the sum of the electromotive strength (emf) values in whatsoever closed loop is equal to the sum of the potential drops in that loop (which may come up from resistors).

Another equivalent statement is that the algebraic sum of the products of resistances of conductors (and currents in them) in a closed loop is equal to the full electromotive strength available in that loop. Mathematically, Kirchhoff's loop rule can be represented every bit the sum of voltages in a circuit, which is equated with zero:

Kirchhoff's Loop and Junction Rules Theory: We justify Kirchhoff's Rules from conservation of energy.

k = 1 n 5 chiliad = 0 \sum_{\text{thousand}=1}^\text{n} \text{V}_\text{one thousand}=0


Here, Five1000 is the voltage across element g, and n is the full number of elements in the closed loop circuit. An illustration of such a circuit is shown in. In this case, the sum of v1, v2, five3, and five4 (and v5 if it is included), is zero.


Kirchhoff's Loop Dominion: Kirchhoff'south loop rule states that the sum of all the voltages around the loop is equal to cypher: v1 + v2 + v3 - v4 = 0.

Given that voltage is a measurement of energy per unit of measurement charge, Kirchhoff'southward loop rule is based on the police of conservation of energy, which states: the full energy gained per unit accuse must equal the amount of energy lost per unit of charge.


illustrates the changes in potential in a simple series circuit loop. Kirchhoff's second dominion requires emf−Ir−IR1−IRtwo=0. Rearranged, this is emf=Ir+IR1+IRtwo, pregnant that the emf equals the sum of the IR (voltage) drops in the loop. The emf supplies 18 5, which is reduced to cipher by the resistances, with 1 Five beyond the internal resistance, and 12 V and 5 V across the two load resistances, for a full of 18 V.


The Loop Rule: An instance of Kirchhoff'southward second rule where the sum of the changes in potential around a closed loop must be zilch. (a) In this standard schematic of a simple serial circuit, the emf supplies 18 5, which is reduced to zero by the resistances, with 1 V beyond the internal resistance, and 12 V and v V beyond the two load resistances, for a total of 18 V. (b) This perspective view represents the potential as something like a roller coaster, where accuse is raised in potential by the emf and lowered by the resistances. (Note that the script E stands for emf.)


Kirchhoff's loop rule is a simplification of Faraday's police force of induction, and holds under the supposition that in that location is no fluctuating magnetic field linking the closed loop. In the presence of a variable magnetic field, electrical fields could be induced and emf could be produced, in which example Kirchhoff's loop rule breaks down.


Kirchhoff'due south rules tin can exist used to analyze any circuit and modified for those with EMFs, resistors, capacitors and more.

Learning Objectives

Describe atmospheric condition when the Kirchoff'due south rules are useful to apply

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • Kirchhoff'due south rules tin can exist applied to whatsoever circuit, regardless of its composition and construction.
  • Considering combining elements is ofttimes easy in parallel and serial, it is not always convenient to apply Kirchhoff'south rules.
  • To solve for electric current in a excursion, the loop and junction rules tin can be practical. Once all currents are related by the junction rule, one can use the loop rule to obtain several equations to use as a organisation to find each current value in terms of other currents. These can be solved as a organisation.

Key Terms

  • electromotive forcefulness: (EMF)—The voltage generated by a battery or past the magnetic force according to Faraday's Law. Information technology is measured in units of volts, not newtons, and thus, is not actually a force.


Kirchhoff's rules can be used to analyze any circuit by modifying them for those circuits with electromotive forces, resistors, capacitors and more. Practically speaking, yet, the rules are only useful for characterizing those circuits that cannot be simplified by combining elements in serial and parallel.

Combinations in series and parallel are typically much easier to perform than applying either of Kirchhoff'southward rules, only Kirchhoff'due south rules are more broadly applicable and should exist used to solve problems involving circuitous circuits that cannot exist simplified by combining circuit elements in series or parallel.

Case of Kirchoff's Rules

shows a very circuitous circuit, just Kirchhoff's loop and junction rules can exist applied. To solve the excursion for currents I1, Itwo, and I3, both rules are necessary.


Kirchhoff's Rules: sample problem: This image shows a very complicated circuit, which can be reduced and solved using Kirchoff's Rules.

Applying Kirchhoff'south junction dominion at point a, we notice:

I 1 = I 2 + I 3 \text{I}_1=\text{I}_2+\text{I}_3

because Iane flows into indicate a, while Iii and I3 flow out. The same tin can be constitute at bespeak east. We at present must solve this equation for each of the three unknown variables, which will require three different equations.

Because loop abcdea, we can use Kirchhoff's loop rule:

I 2 R 2 + emf one I 2 r i I i R i = I two ( R ii ) + r 1 ) + emf ane I 1 R 1 = 0 -\text{I}_2\text{R}_2+ \mathrm{\text{emf}}_1-\text{I}_2\text{r}_1-\text{I}_1\text{R}_1=-\text{I}_2(\text{R}_2)+\text{r}_1)+\mathrm{\text{emf}}_1-\text{I}_1\text{R}_1=0

Substituting values of resistance and emf from the figure diagram and canceling the ampere unit gives:

3 I 2 + 18 six I 1 = 0 -3\text{I}_2+18-6\text{I}_1=0

This is the 2d function of a organization of three equations that we can use to find all 3 electric current values. The last tin can exist found by applying the loop rule to loop aefgha, which gives:

I i R 1 + I three R iii + I iii r 2 emf ii = I 1 R 1 + I three ( R 3 + r two ) emf 2 = 0 \text{I}_1\text{R}_1+\text{I}_3\text{R}_3+\text{I}_3\text{r}_2-\mathrm{\text{emf}}_2=\text{I}_1\text{R}_1+\text{I}_3(\text{R}_3+\text{r}_2)-\mathrm{\text{emf}}_2=0

Using substitution and simplifying, this becomes:

6 I 1 + ii I 3 45 = 0 6\text{I}_1+2\text{I}_3-45=0

In this case, the signs were reversed compared with the other loop, considering elements are traversed in the opposite management.

Nosotros now accept three equations that can be used in a arrangement. The 2d will be used to ascertain Itwo, and can be rearranged to:

I 2 = vi 2 I 1 \text{I}_2=half dozen-2\text{I}_1

The 3rd equation can be used to define Ithree, and tin can be rearranged to:

I three = 22.5 3 I 1 \text{I}_3=22.5-iii\text{I}_1

Substituting the new definitions of I2 and Iiii (which are both in mutual terms of Ione), into the kickoff equation (I1=Iii+Ithree), we get:

I 1 = ( six 2 I 1 ) + ( 22.5 3 I 1 ) = 28.v 5 I i \text{I}_1=(6-2\text{I}_1)+(22.5-3\text{I}_1)=28.5-5\text{I}_1

Simplifying, nosotros find that I1=4.75 A. Inserting this value into the other ii equations, we find that I2=-3.fifty A and Iiii=8.25 A.

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What Is The Junction Rule,


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